What happens next?

Wherever you are on your journey, we here at LC want to help you along on your next steps. It is a simple progression really, we want to help others Find Jesus, Experience Freedom, Discover their unique Purpose, and Make a Difference. This section will give you some great next step options and how you can take advantage of them. The greatest journey of your life starts with a single step, let us make that step with you.

What's next?

Feel free to take a look around and uncover what your next step will be. Perhaps this is your first time to our site, or maybe you have visited us a time or two. Whatever the case may be, we want to help you along the way. If you are curious and would like to know more about LC and how you can become part of this community, we recommend attending Next Steps

If you are interested in the various small groups that are available you can check those out as well. You can rest assured you will find friendly people that would love to invite you in to be a part of their community.

If you have reached a place in your journey that you would love to go public with your faith through baptism, we would absolutely love to experience this life changing event with you. Baptism Sunday's are scheduled regularly throughout the year. 

We invite you to click the links that you are interested in to find out more and enable to you take your next step.